Sophie Le Meillour is an independent transmedia visual artist. Born in 1988 in Toulouse, she grew up on the Breton doormat. At 18, she studied for 2 years in Paris, before moving to Geneva in 2009.
► Digital art and textures inspired by the natural world are at the heart of her universe. Her work challenges traditional artistic dichotomies: organic vs. artificial and analog art vs. digital.
► She experiences the prism of the image; from line to movement, from small to large, from flat to volume, she plays with scales, spaces and architecture. Her creations can take the form of drawings, photos, videos, installations, virtual reality and even ceramics. She develops an immersive and dreamlike work of her own, which she confronts and likes to tie to the work of other artists and performing arts disciplines.
► A graduate of HEAD in visual communication, she explores the different layers of our aesthetic perception of the living world, collects images here and during her travels, which she then transforms into an original visual experiences.
► With her video projection, Sophie has performed in many countries such as in Ecuador, Chile, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Turkey, Netherlands, Kenya, Tanzania, USA.
► In 2017, she joined TELOMERES STUDIO, a collective exploring new media through technologic tools, based in Geneva. Their first project, “APOPTOSE”, an experimental 360 ° short film for a projection dome adapted to VR. In 2017, it won the Best Short Film by Swissnex Boston and GIFF Festival. It has since been shown at Swissnex China, HeK Museum Basel and Flux Laboratory in Geneva. In 2020, they did a month’s residency at BIOTECH, the Geneva neuroscience campus.
► In 2018, she joined the ATRAP collective with the mural artist Robin Kowalewsky from Berlin. ATRAP oscillates between analog and digital, combining muralism with projection mapping. They exhibited in Berlin, Brussels and Geneva and Santiago de Chile between 2018 and 2022.
► Sophie gave talks in Boston, Melbourne, Zurich, Paris and Geneva. Currently, the visual artist gives workshops on mapping software and Vjing in several media design schools. In 2020, she joined the members of the Mapping Festival in Geneva.
► With the pandemic, Sophie has been working since November 2020 as a volunteer on the new “MATER Fondazione” video campaign which gives 200 free meals every day in Geneva for people in need. The project created by Italian cooker Walter El Nagar is in collaboration with Pavillon, Jimmy Thiebauld, Marilou Rose Jarry, Pascal Viscardi
Portrait by ©Nikita Thévoz – Vevey – 2023
Portrait par ©Nikita Thévoz – 2023 – Vevey