This short animated drawing produced in collaboration with Fabrice Starzinskas, featuring an original soundtrack by Juan Pablo Espinoza & Hervé Moire created in all analog sound, has been shown in all formats!
The first manifestation of this work is a fulldome 360° short movie in 2017, awarded by Swissnex Boston and Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF), followed in 2018 by Virtual Reality, exhibit at the H3K Museum in Basel, and in 2020 in 16: 9 cinema, projected during Animatou Festival in Geneva.
The project, a collaboration between Sophie Le Meillour and Fabrice Starzinskas, started as an experimentation to blend Sophie’s hand drawn universe and Fabrice creative tech research. The first manifestation of this work is a fulldome 360° short movie, featuring an original soundtrack by Juan Pablo Espinoza & Hervé Moire, awarded by Swissnex Boston and Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF).
DEFINITION | Apoptose refers to the process by which cells trigger their self destruction in response to a signal.
This is one of the possible pathways of cell death which is necessary for the survival of multicellular organisms.
SYNOPSIS | An immersive story about life, death, and the relation of scale between chaos and perfection.
> Find our movie on UNI France Film